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Plan Review Process


Plan submission requirements shall be listed in the Sketch/Final Plan Checklist provided at the Planning Meeting. The yearly DRB Meeting Calendar shall provide the regularly scheduled DRB meeting dates, and the corresponding submission and noticing deadlines.

7.1       Application Process.

The Applicant shall follow this Application Process to make an Application for Improvements for Sketch Plan, Final Plan, and Certificate of Approval Major Amendment. A Certificate of Approval Minor Amendment shall not follow this process. See Section 7.5 Certificate of Approval Minor Amendment.

7.1.1    Applicant. The Applicant shall be the Owner of the Lot upon which Improvements are proposed, or a Contract Purchaser of such Lot. A Contract Purchaser shall not commence construction approved by the Certificate of Approval until after they have taken title to and possession of the Lot.

7.1.2    Planning Meeting. To begin the DRB review process the Applicant shall contact the HOC to schedule the Planning Meeting among the Applicant, the design team, and the HOC. At the Planning Meeting, the HOC will learn about the Concept Plan for the Improvements and orient the Applicant’s team to the Design Regulations, review process, and submittal requirements. The Sketch/Final Plan Checklist will be provided at the Planning Meeting.

7.1.3    Application Submittal.  The Applicant shall submit the Application to HOC, who shall circulate materials to the DRB members. No materials, information, documents, or communications shall be directed to the DRB, either by the Applicant or any other party.

Within a reasonable time of receiving an Application, generally within ten (10) days, the HOC shall conduct an Application completeness review. If the HOC determines the Application to be deficient, Applicant shall be notified of the deficiencies and the Applicant shall revise its Application accordingly.

When the Application is deemed complete the HOC shall direct the Applicant to mail Pending Application Notices, and the Application shall be agendized for DRB review.

The HOC shall conduct an Application compliance review and prepare recommendations for the DRB. The Applicant may be required to submit additional materials to bring the Application into compliance with the DRB Regulations and the Checklist requirements.

Materials sent by an Applicant after an Application is deemed compliant might not be considered by the DRB due to time constraints.

7.1.4    Sketch Plan. Within one (1) year from the Planning Meeting date, and at least forty (40) days prior to the scheduled DRB meeting, the Applicant shall submit a Sketch Plan to the HOC. If the Planning Meeting expires, the Applicant shall attend another Planning Meeting. The HOC may extend the validity of the Planning Meeting beyond one (1) year.

The Sketch Plan shall address the project design and shall include the required submittal materials (see Sketch/Final Plan Checklist). The DRB shall review, approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Sketch Plan. Approval of the Sketch Plan shall be valid for one (1) year.

7.1.5    Final Plan Submittal. Within one (1) year from the Sketch Plan Approval or Sketch Plan Approval extension date, and at least forty (40) days prior to the scheduled DRB meeting, the Applicant shall submit for Final Plan Review. If the Final Plan is not submitted within one (1) year, the Applicant shall have to attend another Planning Meeting and submit another Sketch Plan for review. The HOC may, upon the Applicant’s request, extend the validity of the Sketch Plan approval beyond one (1) year.

The Final Plan shall address the final project design, and shall include the required submittal materials (see Sketch/Final Plan Checklist). The final plan approval is confirmed by the Certificate of Approval, signed by the BOD President, DRB Chair, and Applicant.

7.1.6    Permit Set Submittal. Within ninety (90) days from the Certificate of Approval record date the Applicant shall submit for Staff Permit Set Approval. The HOC may extend the time beyond ninety (90) days upon request of the Applicant.

Once the HOC has approved and stamped the Permit Set the Applicant shall submit the approved Permit Set to San Miguel County. The Permit Set shall meet all the conditions of the Certificate of Approval.